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download mp3 from google



Esti in cautare de muzici? Torrentu, soulseek sau dc-ul nu-ti sunt la indemana? Pe google poti gasi ceea ce cauti. Solutia este simpla .. da' rau de tot.
Deschizi www.google.com , iar in casuta de search scrii:

“Band or Artist name here” last modified mp3 “index of” -html -htm -php -asp

Exemplu: “Laibach” last modified mp3 “index of” -html -htm -php -asp


Free mp3 Downloads from google. With this simple trick, you can get tons of mp3 download links using just google

All you have to do is search for this..

“Band or Artist name here” last modified mp3 “index of” -html -htm -php -asp

For example i want to get some Laibach song…
“Laibach” last modified mp3 “index of” -html -htm -php -asp


just type ?intitle:index.of?mp3 and press google search or hit enter key.

How simple is that…