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Noul membru al familiei este pe drum, are 2 saptamani si deocamdata se alapteaza. O cheama Goldie la fel ca si pe mama ei, iar in caz ca vom iesi impreuna cu mama si fica in parc, pe a noastra am numit-o "mini goldie". Este cea inchisa la culoare si cu o pata alba deasupra nasucului. Este golden retriever, si e una dintre cele mai frumoase fete pe care le-am cunoscut.

soundtrack-ul l-am compus pentru ea
(Sin City - "Goldie", The Doors - "Hello, I love you")

thanks to: Gabi

"Opriti catastrofa". by GREENPEACE

Mesajul este cat se poate de clar si realizarea grafica impecabila.

Soviet Union Red Army Tribute

Long live the men of the Soviet Union who stopped the nazis at Stalingrad, Kursk, Harkhov, Kiev, Leningrad.

The songs are played by LUBE (Russian band)

Your glory will never be forgotten!

Thanks to: Costin

Mountain Wingsuit

If I could have wings, I would fly.
Now you have wings, so .. you still want to fly?

Max Magazine - Italy

Vorbeam mai deunazi de ad-uri publicitare care sa sustina integrarea romanilor in comunitatea italiana. Ei bine iata ca azi am dat din greseala peste 2 imagini ce sustin artistic aceasta idee, e vorba de coperta 1 si 2 a revistei Max Italy, coperti care ii au pe Adrian Mutu si Monica Columbeanu ca protagonisti, surprinsi in niste poze foarte reusite (parerea mea), si desi nu sunt fan al niciunuia dintre cei 2, ca imagine si mesaj mi sa parut foarte ok, motiv pentru care exista acest post.

Star Wars - Lord Vader's dance

Lord Vader si ai sai Stormtroopers fac mare show mare, la studiourile Disney din Hollywood, dansand pe piesa Thriller a lui Michael Jackson. Prapad si nu alta, pe langa skill-uri de mare cuceritor de galaxii, Vader da dovada inca odata ca e un personaj complex; danseaza demential.

Star Wars - Vader Dance


.. whatever

Liam Lynch: United States of Whatever

thanks to: Elly

Audition - Takashi Miike

Audition [Ôdishon] un film din 1999 al regizorului japonez Takashi Miike, un geniu nu as spune al horror-ului ci mai degraba al "ciudatuli". Un film pe care tocmai l-am vazut, si ne fiind o persoana asa sensibila, recunosc ca m-a cam socat. Nu e prima ora cand ma socheaza Takashi, insa clar este unul din preferatii mei (si am aflat de el relativ de curand). Audition e un film de vazut, insa odata cu remarca asta e posibil sa ma aleg pe viitor cu injurii la adresa mea, insa ce sa zic ... incercati s-ar putea sa descoperiti Japonia, cultura lor si misticismul in care pot fi invaluite povestile care vin de la ei. Un film bun, un film de vazut .. de avut.

This is a Takashi Miike film, so you know it's chock full of weirdness and ugliness, and yet still beautiful in some ways. Now it's gone out of print in the US and another import version (Chinese or Japanese) is available in NTSC format, and it's fine if you don't mind somewhat literal subtitles, obviously written by someone that does not speak English as a first language, but that was relatively minor. On to the film: A widower is told by his young son that he's looking old, and a friend of his talks him into staging a fake audition for the purpose of meeting a suitable young bride. Aoyama can sure pick 'em, he is smitten with Asami before he ever sees her in person and seems to fall in love when he actually talks to her, and they go out a few times to dinner and such. There's something not quite right about Asami though, nobody seems to know anything about her and her stories don't check out. Does that stop Aoyama though? No, it doesn't. In further poking around into her background he finds some quite disturbing information that may or may not be connected with her. And poor little Asami just sits around in her room waiting for the phone to ring with a duffel bag with dubious contents sitting nearby. Oh my. This is sort of a journey into David Lynch territory, but generally his films aren't quite this grisly. I think the thing I like the most about Japanese films is the portrayal of young ladies that seem meek and mild and are monsters at heart, and this one is a fine example. Well worth your time to seek out and watch, 8 out of 10 stars.

Widower takes an offer to screen girls at a special audition, arranged for him by a friend to find him a new wife. The one he fancies is not who she appears to be after all... imdb.com

thanks to: Coco

Alan Wilder's RECOIL

Am stare de Recoil si voiam sa fiti si voi in stare. E simplu. Avem aici cateva mostre, se asculta, si dupa ce va veti fi indragostit de Recoil ... o sa gasiti. Totul e sa primesti un impuls. Iata impulsu':

Recoil - Drifting

Recoil - Jezebel

Recoil - Stalker

Recoil - Strange Hours

"Recoil is a musical project created by former Depeche Mode member Alan Wilder. Essentially a solo venture, Recoil began whilst Wilder was still in Depeche Mode, as an outlet for his experimental, less pop-oriented compositions. Once he announced his departure from the group in 1995, Recoil was transformed from a small side-project, into Wilder's primary musical enterprise." - wikipedia

Origin: Sussex, England
Genre(s): Electronica | Avant-garde
Years active: 1986–present
Members: Alan Wilder

Starcraft 2 - Zerg update

Starcraft Remixes

Azi stare de Starcraft. Cine a putut sa uite oare de cel mai bun RTS al tuturor timpurilor? Eu cu siguranta ca nu, motiv pentru care azi am vrut sa reaud sunete din starcraft; si ca atmosfera sa fie si mai animata am gasit remixuri pe tema Starcraft. Iata-le in ordinea gasirii pe youtube:

Du Hast - StarCraft Remix

Prodigy- Minefields - Starcraft Techno Remix

StarCraft Mix

Romania vs Olanda

Nu sunt microbist dar mi-am permis sa ilustrez grafic meciul de diseara. Anyway se va bea bere.

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