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The Machine Girl - Kataude mashin gâru
A grindhouse style movie, a movie to be seen. Just wash your brain with some blood.

"Ami is a typical college girl. She's bright, friendly, popular and athletic, with nothing to set her apart from other girls her age other than the fact that she is an orphan, left to care for her younger brother after her father committed suicide after being falsely accused of murder. But while there is tragedy in their past, the siblings' future looks good, except for one thing. Ami's brother has racked up a considerable debt to another boy at school, and that boy just happens to be the heir to a clan of vicious ninja-yakuza. Ami's brother can't pay, violence breaks out and in the course of trying to avenge her brother, Ami is captured by the clan. They torture her and hack her arm right off. Ami escapes, barely alive, and is taken in by the owners of a machine shop who build her a customized, bullet-spewing arm. From that point, the quest for revenge is on in earnest." - imdb.com

The machine Girl - trailer

And also I recommend Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez's GRINDHOUSE with the two titles - PLANET TERROR and DEATH PROOF.

Here's another Grindhouse trailer from the opening of Planet Terror: MACHETTE:

Why Girls Don't Fart

Svalbard International Seed Vault

If the APOCALYPSE will come, we will not perish ... at least our vegetation will not.

Svalbard International Seed Vault, also known as the Doomsday Vault. Carved into the Arctic permafrost of Norway, the vault will house and protect 3 million seed samples from around the globe in the event of a major catastrophic event. More than 100 countries supported the effort and yesterday's inauguration drew dignitaries from around the globe. Norway's Agriculture Minister Terje Riis-Johansen told the BBC that the vault is a "Noah's Ark on Svalbard."

So how does one go about building what amounts to an agricultural refrigerator in the Earth?

First, you need a constant source of cold, one that won't shut down should someone or something unplug the global energy infrastructure. The rendering above shows the design: The vault is tunneled into a frozen mountainside on the island of Svalbard, about 620 miles from the North Pole.

Then you need an airtight inner chamber that will protect the seeds from outside elements. They will be wrapped in tin foil.

Then you need security to keep the seeds from being compromised. In addition to being fenced in and guarded and equipped with motion detectors, the facility management is also counting on the resident polar bears to keep saboteurs at bay...

Stand-Up Commedy cu TEO

Cuvinte vulgare

Politia animalelor

Despre cacanari si HI5

Despre Sandra Romain, de la CanCan citire

Despre iarba

.. si de v-a placut poate vreti sa il cunoasteti si in scris: BloguLuTeo

Campanie MOTO la noi si la ei

Campania anti-accidente a Asociatiei Motociclistilor din Romania

OZN... sau motocicleta?

Transport for London 'Illusions' commercial.
Agency: M&C Saatchi

New 'Optical Illusions' - TV commercial


Female beauty in photography Update 2.

Update for Female beauty in photography, november post.