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TOP 10 Bad Ass Grandmas

Grandmas are usually defined by their sweetness, frailty and willingness to give us free Werther’s Originals candy. But not all grannies…these are the TOP 10 Bad Ass Grandmas
Not a fan of the Gators, but I’m a fan of this granny.
Might not be my thing, but good for you granny
Leader of the revolution. Bring it bitches
Glaucoma my ass, this granny just wants to get her smoke on. Puff, puff, pass grandma!
In mother Russia, grandma don’t mess around.
It doesn’t matter the age, you never know when you’ve had too much.
This is a gang of grannies you do not cross. Though it does look more like a gang of grandpas in drag.
While I do not support terrorism, I do support grandmothers wielding rocket launchers. That is hardcore.
Conan ain’t got nuthin’ on this granny. When you’re a hundred, let’s see you swing around a broadsword equaling your body weight.
You can take this grandma’s gun when you tear it from her cold, dead hands. Which may be sooner than later. But until then, I’d keep your distance because that is a granny with an AK.

Happy Birthday Half-Life!

Happy Birthday Half-Life!

To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the game that started it all, Half-Life is on sale for only 98 cents. Ends Friday, November 21 at noon PST. Only $0.98 - Powered by: steam

Pana maine la pranz mai aveti ocazia sa cumparati acest "tata lor" - HALF LIFE, cu mai putin de 3 Ron. Daca asta nu este super veste atunci nu stiu ce este. Eu il am, il apreciez ENORM, ceea ce va doresc si voua!

Steam: The Nexus of PC Gaming

© Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. Valve, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress and Source are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation. All other copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Some Curious Photos

Alege-ţi stăpânii cu grijă - RELOADED

Am postat pe data de 7 mai despre un spot extrem de fain facut, de un foarte bun manuitor intr-ale 3d-max-ului, si anume Dan Pavel. Iata ca acesta revine, pentru ca din nou suntem chemati la v0t, si din nou ne freaca astia cu promisunile si ...........aaah.. mi-e scarba scuze nu pot vorbi despre p0litica (daca vreti asta.. vedeti ca gasiti bloguri de gen, mie unu mi-e sila)... deci lasand la o parte p0litica, hai mai bine sa vedem noua creatie a lui Dan Pavel, insa nu inainte de a o revedea si pe prima. :D

Alege-ţi stăpânii cu grijă

Alegeti cu grija

... beton as putea zice. Cat despre libidinosii ce se vor acum alesi.. nu au decat sa putrezeasca in scaunele lor. Am zis!

Thanks to: Sorin