Mars is the fourth planet from our Sun in the Solar System. Out of the various planets and moons in our Solar System, Mars perhaps bears the most similarity to Earth, featuring an atmosphere, polar ice caps, and remnants of tectonic activity on the planet’s surface. Mars has fascinated both astronomers and the general public for years, and has been the subject of countless movies and fiction works. Currently, several nations in the world are planning to send missions to Mars for exploration, and NASA’s Spirit Rover recently ended a 6 year exploration of the surface after becoming trapped in sand. This post will feature 21 unbelievable photographs of Mars, captured by telescope and by space probe. You’ll get to see up close what another planet in our Solar System looks like. Hope you find it interesting!
There are many noble people out there who donate their body to science. Some creative but geeky people, as it turns out, have dedicated to give their body to science in a different way way— ultra-geeky way of having science tattoos. Absolutely brilliant idea! Having a tattoo is all about expressing a certain lifestyle that you have chosen and this way these scientists are taking this to the limit. A funny limit I might add.
Imagine lab technicians sporting some of these funny scientific tattoos underneath their white coats. The periodic table is definitely hardcore, for example, while the DNA one is a bit played out. Anyway, all 52 funny tattoo photos are hilarious.