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Coke Zero inverted bottle pyramid

Coke Zero inverted bottle pyramid by Leo Burnett.

*Buy Fabulous 50s Advertising Calendars at Amazon.

Soccer goalie celebrates stopping the ball, forgets to account for the extra spin...

Watch as a soccer goalie starts prematurely celebrating stopping a penalty kick. Via.

Eternity's dapper new look

Hex, the god of the universe of Dan LuVisi's Last Man Standing.

*Buy Secret Six, featuring Dan LuVisi's covers, at Aamzon.

Miss Holloway print

Joan Holloway, Lost in Translation, Brazilian soccer player, and more by Stanley Chow on sale in his webstore. Via.

*Buy Wonder Woman Barbies at Amazon.

Gangster Batman and Superman

Gangster Batman and Superman by Steve Seeley for an upcoming show at Rotofugi.

*Buy Batman Lego minifigs at Amazon.

Pumpkin and Apple

Pumpkin and Apple by Kristin Tercek, who has lots of prints on sale for $15 here.

Endless squares

Doktor A posted some great photos from his trip to DragonCon:

Endless squares in the Hyatt.

Amanda Spayd with one of her cuddly monsters.

Circus Posterus Lizzie and Junior.

Redesigned packaging for Lay's potato chips

Packaging concept by Tomislava Sekulić for Lay's potato chips. (I don't think they really have a chicken flavor.) Via.

UPDATE: Per the comments, they really do sell chicken-flavored Lay's and they taste good.

*Buy Package Design Workbook: The Art and Science of Successful Packaging at Amazon.

Disguised weapons

Jeff was looking for disguised weapons. Mike offered him several designs. Via.

*Buy ninja weapons at Amazon.

Sweet Streets 2 at Gallery Nucleus

A few gems from tomorrow night's Sweet Streets 2 show at Gallery Nucleus, featuring art inspired by Tokyo Street fashion. Links below are to the artists' sites.

Candy Bird

Hiromi Sato

Griselda Sastrawinata

Ueno Yosuke

Mijn Schatje

Travis Lampe

*Buy Harajuku Lovers by Gwen Stefani at Amazon.

Fat Super Mario

Fat Super Mario can't fit through a warp pipe in this t-shirt design by Alex Solis for Threadless. Click on the voting widget if you'd like the chance to buy it:

Game Over - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

SomthingAwful makes "Polish" movie posters

The latest edition of Photoshop Phriday is Polish-style movie posters for The Matrix, Inception, Weekend at Bernies, and more.

*Buy Polish movie posters at Amazon.

Things to Come

Poster for the Things to Come show at Bold Hype Gallery.

The Frog Prince

The Frog Prince by BlackYard, which has various concert posters on sale here.

*Buy crowns at Amazon.

How to defrag your computer

How to defrag(gle) your computer.

*Buy Fraggle Rock toys at Amazon.

Space battle

A muscle-bound hero punches out a space starfish in this illustration by Jim Smith. It appears to be on sale.

*Buy Starro toys at Amazon.

Self Indulgence

"Self Indulgence" by Nouar, who has lots of prints on sale at Etsy.

Sym-Bionic Titan promotional poster

Kevin Dart posted lots of backgrounds from Sym-Bionic Titan.

*Buy Mazinger toys at Amazon.

Masters of the Universe villains by Matt Kaufenberg

Skeletor, Beastman, Trap-Jaw and Hordak by Matt Kaufenberg. I believe he's selling sketch cards for only $5 each right now.

*Buy Hordak toys at Amazon.