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Rainbow-hued kaiju

Colorful kaiju by Billiken Shokai. Via.

*Buy kaiju at Amazon.


Monstoberfest opening tonight at Rothick art haus.

*Buy Kathie Olivas toys at eBay.

Recovery kits

Workday, hangover, breakup, and birthday recovery kits by Knock Knock on sale at Amazon. Via.

Ogre propaganda

Pro-ogre propaganda by Struck Axiom for Shrek. The illustrators are Tosh Brown and Valerie Jar. Via.

*Buy propaganda posters at Amazon.

Tilt shift Royal de Luxe

Tilt shift photograph of Royal de Luxe's giant diver. (I'm amazed/disappointed I couldn't find more tilt-shift photos or video.)

*Buy diving helmets at Amazon.

Martha Stewart Halloween crafts

Three Halloween craft projects at Martha Stewart that caught my eye:

Silhouette curtains.

Bat headband.

Mirror with glowing eyes.

*Buy sexy masks at Amazon.

Super kick

"Ultra-Violence" by Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura.

*Buy robotic arms at Amazon.

Roller-skating robot t-shirt

Roller-skating t-shirt design by Jesse Philips for Threadless. Click on the voting widget if you want the chance to buy it:

Skating in the Rain - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Bat Boy cosplay

Bat Boy cosplay.

*Buy Bat Boy bobbleheads at Amazon.

Have you seen this magical wolf?

Tear-off flyer promoting upcoming Okami sequel Okamiden, which is available for preorder at Amazon. Via.

*Buy Okami toys at eBay.

The History of Hank Pym Explained

The latest gem from Curt Franklin and Chris Haley of Let's Be Friends Again - - enjoy The History of Hank Pym Explained.

*Buy Marvel Legends figures at eBay.

Cute pincushion

Cute pincushion by Gretchen:

based on Kristin Tercek's painting:

Kristin has lots of art on sale here.

*Buy voodoo dolls at Amazon.

Strange Tales preview by Rafael Grampa

Two of the eight pages from Rafael Grampa's upcoming Strange Tales story. Also, here's a page from Jillian Tamaki's Dazzler Strange Tales story.

*Buy Strange Tales volume one at Amazon.

Tron t-shirt designs

Three Tron designs up for vote at Threadless. Click on the voting widgets if you see one you like.

Refracting Light(cycle) - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Digitized - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Donkey Tron! - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

*Buy Tron toys at Amazon.

Art show based on Disney's The Haunted Mansion

A few highlights from the Guests of the Haunted Mansion show at Harold Golen Gallery:

Donella Vitale

Joe Vitale


*Buy Haunted Mansion collectibles at eBay.