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Awesome and Creative Nose Hair Trimmer Ads

To amusingly yet convincingly dramatize the need for the Panasonic nose hair trimmer’s safety cutting system, creative billboards were built around actual electric poles and wires in Indonesia.

With thousands of sensory nerve fibers in human nostrils, trimming nose hair can be as risky as cutting live wires.

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Thanks to: Silviu Munteanu

Police, Adjective - apple.com/trailers

Corneliu Poromboiu - Politist Adjectiv. Un film "jos palaria". De ce am decis sa fac acest post?
In primul rand pentru ca, filmul isi merita premiile si faima pe care si-a castigat-o. Ce m-a incantat insa foarte tare, a fost faptul ca, ieri zappand netul dupa trailere, am dat de Politist Adjectiv. Trailerul si filmul a aparut demult pe net, insa uimirea si bucuria a venit cand am vazut (pentru prima oara), pe apple.com/trailers (reperul meu si al multor oamneni in materie de aparitii cinematografice), un film romanesc, si anume Politist Adjectiv - si iata si linkul.

Inca odata, bravo domnule Corneliu Porumboiu, si multumim ca aratam lumii ce insemana cinematografia romana.

Cool and Technological Mona Lisa ASUS Motherboard

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Most Cool and Creative Billboards 3D Advertisement

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Soimu' patriei

subsemnatul pe vremea cand era soim!

re-edit 26.11.2009_____________________________________________

Se pare ca fotografia cu mine ( falnic soimulet al patriei), l-a inspirat pe prietenul si artistul plastic Ionut Robert Olaru, si mi-a facut un deosebit cadou - aceasta minunata interpretare a fotografiei cu mine - eu micut soimulet tinand in mana un tablou cu o fotografie cu mine de la absolvirea Universitatii de Arte Plastice - Bucuresti.

Multumesc Ionut!

click pe imagine, pentru a o vedea full size

It's really not about polar bears any more...

This shocking new ad was directed by Daniel Kleinman for planestupid.com. The ad aims to highlight the brutal impact global warming is having on the polar ice caps. Daniel says 'we sourced all the polar bears in Wardour Street in London, they live in a virtual zoo at MPC. No bear was alive when we dropped them from a great height and no pixels were hurt during filming. We did have to mop up the blood though." - rattlingstick.com

Thanks to: Adi [mangu]