We all love sports, don’t we? There are always some moments [intentional or unintentional ;)] that are so funny that we can’t help but start laughing. Here is a list of 14 of the funniest sports moments.
1. What’re You Looking At?
His attention is somewhere else! 2. Ouch!
That must have hurt. 3. Ouch! (2)
Straight in the face. 4. I’LL KEEEL YOU!
What’s with the expression?
5। Sucka
He didn’t see that coming. 6. “Exploration”
Somebody’s in the mood to “explore”!
7 Olympic “Bull”
Don’t mess with me
8 “Karate” Kick
Locked in position
9. I Iz Sad
Sad guy
10. Err?
Seeing is believing, right?
11. Mr Long Legs
Peter Crouch has really long legs. Don’t piss him off. 12. “Eating” the Ball You’re not supposed to eat it… 13. Oh, SH*T! Okay now.. this guy has some serious bowel issues! 14. Ouch 3 Flattened his face.
Desi eu am petrecut revelionul alaturi de prietenii mei in Sucevita (si a fost bestial), o alta alternativa pentru mine ar fi fost A-Camp. Si cum am ales prima varianta, nu aveam cum sa nu ma bucur cand am vazut cum s-au distrat cei care au fost in A-Camp Winter Edition. Iata mai jos ce si cum a iesit, si daca regretati ca nu ati participat si voi, nu puteti sa ziceti ca eu nu v-am indrumat catre: A-Camp Winter Edition 2008.
A durat ceva dar sper sa fi meritat asteptarea. Odata cu noul an, iata ca, demonstrez ca ideea cum ca 2009 ar fi un an de criza, este total eronata dat fiind faptul ca eu nu mi-s in criza, criza de creativitate, pentru ca nu-i asa BLOGGAREALA LUI MANDIUC a avut parte de rebranding proaspat: