Wedding of 700 Couples in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic)
A wedding with participation of 700 couples took place in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Republic. Ceremonies took place in St. Ghazanchetsots church in Shushi and Gandzasar monastery. u
Cum nu sunt un om al cuvintelor, ci al imaginii, imi voi permite sa va incant cu cuvintele de pe postul original de pe goodstuff4all scrise de avatarah. Ramane ca dupa ce veti fi citit si vazut ce are de oferit acest post sa reusim sa ne inchidem gurile, asadar iata despre ce e vorba:
"Desi tehnica hologramei nu este una noua - pionierul holografiei (1947) fiind ungurul Dennis Gabor (Premiul Nobel pentru Fizica in 1971), iar prima holograma fiind realizata in 1963 de trei fizicieni (americanii Emmett Leith si Juris Upatnieks si rusul Iuri Denisiuk) - aceasta expozitie organizata la Hollywood in aceasta vara iti taie PE BUNE rasuflarea." - avatarah
"Holograma se deosebeste de o fotografie obisnuita prin faptul ca ea inregistreaza nu numai amplitudinea undei luminoase, ci si faza ei. Aceasta inseamna ca holograma reprezinta imaginea obiectului in spatiul tridimensional. La inregistrarea unei holograme, fascicolul de lumina coerenta provenit de la un laser trece printr-un colimator unde este extins, apoi este impartit in doua cu ajutorul unui divizor de fascicol. O parte cade pe placa fotografica, dupa ce este reflectata de catre o oglinda, iar cealalta parte cade pe obiect si este reflectata de catre acesta pe placa fotografica." - wikipedia
This video presents real footage of the twelve limited edition RabbitHole 3D Motion Holograms by ten renowned entertainment industry artists that RabbitHoles Media launched for the Grand Opening of Gnomon Gallery in Hollywood; the RabbitHoles 3D prints were displayed at SIGGRAPH and remain on display at Gnomon Gallery. The pieces are printed in the amazing form of RabbitHoles state-of-the-art digital motion holograms, which display 1280 frames of full-color, 3D imagery with up to ten seconds of fluid and seamless animation on a completely flat surface. The video also includes interviews with the people pioneering the use of RabbitHoles as a new print medium for art, including artists Alex Alvarez, Fred Bastide, Pascal Blanche, Kris Costa, Jeremy Engleman, Meats Meier, Laurent Pierlot, Aaron Sims, Scott Spencer, and Timur "Taron" Baysal.
Ubisoft officially announced Rayman: Raving Rabbids TV Party for the Wii, promising "unique" and humourous use of Nintendo's new hit peripheral, the Wii Balance Board. In addition, there will be a DS version, both due to arrive this holiday season.
As in past games, the Rabbids are taking over. Or trying their darnedest, anyway. This time, however, they're taking to the airwaves, invading televisions all around the world, from Kiev to Carolina, "providing players with a variety of games and comedic exploits spoofing TV shows, pop culture and even advertisements."
"The Rayman Raving Rabbids titles have been an immense success, entertaining the world over," said Yves Guillemot, president and chief executive officer, Ubisoft. "The inclusion of the Wii Balance Board into the game was a huge source of inspiration for our development team and I guarantee you will see the Wii Balance Board used in ways that will be surprisingly unexpected!"
More on the title will be revealed at E3 2008, said Ubisoft.