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12 Craziest Masks Ever

Obama Sleep Mask
YES WE CAN! You voted for him, here he is. Now you can see Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, even when you are asleep.
Cthulhu Ski Mask
LiveJournal blogger Archmage got his wife to crochet him this Cthulhu ski mask for a recent sci-fi-themed costume party.
Mickey Mouse Gas Mask
The United States Army Chemical Museum has a very special gas mask, a Mickey Mouse mask ! This mask was produced early in 1942 to protect children in case of a chemical attack against the United States.

Emoticon Mask
The Mask Of Emotion exchanges facial expressions for digital emotions. If you weren't easy to read before, now people should have no problems discerning your emotion. Designed by the Digital Media Design Department at Hongik University in Korea, the Mask Of Emotion mimics your facial expressions and translates them into LED pixel emoticons. If you frown, the mask changes the LED design to a slanted frown as it sees fit.

Motorcycle Riding Mask

The Calavera Loca Motorcycle Riding Mask is a completely hand-made, leather mask. It is designed as a motorcycle riding mask to protect your lower face from wind, bugs and rocks while not pressing up against your mouth. This mask allows for easy breathing and others can even hear you when you talk!

Terminator make-up mask
This prosthetic Terminator make-up mask (complete with LED for that glowing eye effect!) was created by Joe Slatter of The Dark Power.

Knitted Gas Mask

Craftster's Teriyakimoto knitted this (non-functional) gas-mask hat for work and play (e.g., "Hey, honey, let's play stern-but-soft air-raid warden and recalcitrant claustrophobe!"). Teriyakimoto plans on using it as a bicycling hat during the long winter months.

Pikachu Ski Mask
It was getting cold, so Deviant Art member =Sugarcoatidli3z who is a Pikachu fan decided to crochet this convertible ski mask inspired in the famous yellow cartoon character.

Joker Ski Mask
This $17 Joker Ski Mask from Amazon is pretty sketchy, even for a ski mask.

Designer Mask

These ‘elegant' masks by Spanish designer Carlos Diez were a hit at 2007 winter runaway show. Thank God it didn't become a trend.
Peacock Mask
These ‘elegant' masks by Spanish designer Carlos Diez were a hit at 2007 winter runaway show. Thank God it didn't become a trend.

Mummy Sleep Mask

People in your household may not give waking you out of a deep sleep a second thought, but they may hesitate just a bit when they see a mummy with glowing eyes staring at them. It is worth trying anything to get people to leave you alone, so this sleep mask would be a small price to pay.

Plague doctor obsession

Plague Doctor tribute


TORCHLIGHT ROMANIA - steam group. Acest grup s-a intamplat saptamana trecuta. Pana acum are 15 membrii, fiind grup oficial si public, puteti sa va alaturati oricand de sunteti fani ai jocului. Postul acesta are menirea sa arate rezultatele evenimentului de sambata TORCHLIGHT multiplayer GHOST.

Iata cam cum era descris evenimentul:

Nu exista multiplayer la Torchlight! DOH!
Ei bine hai sa facem un Torchlight in multi.
Asadar: sambata - ora de start 19.00 (cu aproximatie), character la alegere, difficulty: EASY (o luam incet) se da START la prima batalie de acest gen: DEFEAT ORDRAK lan party.
Primul care il bate pe Ordrak primeste un premiu surpriza ;).

Petrecere sustinuta de: greuceanu, providerii de internet si Skype.


- posibilitatea de a face 5+ achievements
- lots of fun via Skipe conference
- spend time with friends
- enhance and compare Torchlight skills

VA ASTEPT! greuceanu out!



Castigatorul: addichim


Adi l-a savarsit pe ORDRAK in 4 ore, cu Destroyer de level 27.

Ca un gentleman ce este cand sa ii acord premiul a afirmat:

"aa nu, premiul da-l urmatorului care il face pe Ordrak",

asa ca premiul i-a revenit lui FERDIAD, acesta batandu-l pe Ordrak la o distanta de 15 min de Adi cu destroyer de level 30.

Felicitari Ferd!

Ferd a primit 'premiul surpriza" care a constat in:
Dawn of War® - Platinum Edition si Farcry

greuceanu out!


Iata si evolutia fiecaruia:


status: winner


status: did not finish


status: did not finish


status: did not finish


status: admin/ moderator


status: winner II


status: did not finish

Multumesc tuturor care au participat la event:
aancutza, addichim, alexander, ferdiad, gottohaveit, lumpy, maru, yumexor.

It was a lot of fun guys!