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The Dark Crystal

Recomandarea mea de week-end vine din taramul povestilor si al filmelor fantasy care ne-au incantat copilariile.
Tocmai m-am uitat la The Dark Crystal din 1982, un film ce poarta semnatura regizorului Frank Oz.
Si pentru cei care vor sa isi fac o mica idee iata si un trailer al filmului:

The Dark Crystal (1982) Trailer

Another World, Another Time... In the Age of Wonder.

Plot Outline:
Another planet, another time. 1000 years ago
the mysterious Dark Crystal was damaged by one of
Urskeks and an age of chaos has began

The Dark Crystal - imdb

Amazing Africa - Breathtaking Collection Of Photos

Amazing Africa - Breathtaking Collection Of Photos

Amazing Africa - Breathtaking Collection Of Photos

Amazing Africa - Breathtaking Collection Of Photos

Amazing Africa - Breathtaking Collection Of Photos

Amazing Africa - Breathtaking Collection Of Photos

Twins twins merrage

twins twins merrage

twins twins merrage

Twins twins merrage

Front 242

Industrial mood la 2 noaptea.. ascultam Front 242, si am stiut ca trebuie sa nu fiu singurul care trebuie sa fie in industrial mood.
Patru video-uri Front 242, dintre care, unul pe care l-am compilat eu in seara asta, din ultimul episod Salad Fingers si piesa Welcome tio Paradise - Front 242.
Va doresc o seara industriala ... si maine la munca cu voi!

Salad Fingers | Front 242 - welcome to Paradise

Front 242 - Headhunter

Front 242 - Felines

Front 242 - Kampfbereit

"Front 242 is a pioneering Belgian electronic music group that came into prominence during the 1980s. During their most active period (effectively ending in 1993 with the albums 06:21:03:11 UP EVIL and 05:22:09:12 OFF) they influenced many industrial and electronic artists.

Founding of Band

When industrial music developed in England in the mid-1970s with Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle, these groups used electronic instruments, percussion with found objects, and looped samples of "found" soundbites, elements later taken up by Front 242. These techniques can be seen as an extension of the use of electronic sources of sound as musical instruments and percussion with found objects by composer Edgard Varèse.

Front 242 was created in 1981 in Aarschot, Belgium by Daniel Bressanutti and Dirk Bergen, who wanted to create music and graphic design using emerging electronic tools. The first single, Principles, was released late in 1981. Although some members now claim that the name does not have a particular meaning, in an early '90s interview on Dutch TV (the Tragedy -for you- period with slo-mo version of that track playing in background), Daniel Bressanutti said that the '242' part comes from him swearing '242!' instead of 'damn!' when he was young. Also, the similarities to UN Security Council Resolution 242 have not been lost on those interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Perhaps more to the point, after the Second World War 242 Belgian citizens were condemned to death for collaboration with the German occupiers.

Patrick Codenys and Jean-Luc De Meyer had separately formed a group called Under Viewer at about the same time, and the two duos joined together in 1982. Bressanutti, Codenys and De Meyer took turns on vocals at first, until they settled on De Meyer as the lead vocalist (early recordings with Bresanutti on vocals have recently been released). De Meyer came to write most of the lyrics. They decided not to use the regular waveform settings on their synthesizers, arguing that creating the waveform for each note was part of the creative process.

Their next single, U-Men, was released in 1982, followed by the band's first album Geography that same year. These first releases were cited as influential to other artists in the genre; however, they were not strong and hard-hitting as the group's later efforts. In 1983, Dirk Bergen left the band to pursue graphic design, and Richard Jonckheere, referred to as Richard 23, joined as a backing vocalist and charismatic stage presence." - wikipedia

Origin: Belgium
Genre(s): Industrial | Techno | EBM
Years active: 1981-Present
Members: Jean-Luc De Meyer | Daniel Bressanutti | Patrick Codenys | Richard Jonckheere

Atari Teenage Riot

Noapte linistita? NO WAY! pentru ca va administrez noize pur, noize nascut ca o replica la puternica miscare neo-nazi din techno-ul din '93 din germania. Asadar ATARI TEENAGE RIOT, pentru voi .. cui nu-i place nu se uita/ nu asculta. Enjoy!

Atari Teenage Riot - Revolution Action (Banned Version)

Atari Teenage Riot - Rage

Atari Teenage Riot - Deutschland (Has Gotta Die) At DHR Stud

Cand am ascultat pentru prima oara ATR (Atari Teenage Riot), am stiut din prima ca este vorba despre: ジャンルを越えた活動やコラボレーションを続けるドイツ・ベルリン出身のアレックエンパイアが主宰するデジタル・ハードコア・レコーディング(DHR) の看板バンド。92年にレコード屋の店員だったアレックは客として来たカールと共感を得て一緒に音楽をすることに。その後 アレックがハニンを誘い3人でATARI TEENAGE RIOT(以下、ATR)を結成。積極的にライブ活動を行い97年に初来日を果たす。同年の7月には台風の中、Fuji Rock Festival'97に参戦。その頃よりアレックとハニン、カールの3人MCスタイルを確立し、バックのサウンドを担うことがアレックだけでは難しくなってしまったため、ニックエンドウがATRに正式参加することになった。
ATRが活発になるにつれて、同レーベルのEC8OR、SHIZUOといったDHRアーティストが注目され全盛期を迎える。99年の3枚目のアルバム「60 SECOND WIPE OUT」後、RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE、NINE INCH NAILSと共にツアーを回り破壊的なラディカルなバンドとして認知されるようになるが、2002年6月にカールが永眠。ATRは3人のまま活動休止となった。その後、2002年11月ATRの未発表音源がリリースされた以来、音沙汰なし。

"Atari Teenage Riot (abbreviated ATR) was a German digital hardcore group formed in Berlin in 1992. Highly political, they fused anarchist, anti-fascist and anti-Nazi views with punk vocals and the newly emerging techno sound called digital hardcore, which is a term band member Alec Empire used as the name of his record label.

The group was founded as an attack on the increasingly neo-Nazi influenced German techno scene and consisted of three Berliners - Alec Empire, Hanin Elias and MC Carl Crack. ATR's early releases (which included the track "Hetzjagd Auf Nazis!"/"Hunt Down the Nazis!") were surrounded by controversy in Germany due to the prevailing "no politics on the dance floor" attitude.

After signing to Phonogram Records, a major European label, in 1993 the band received an unusually large financial advance which they duplicitously used to set up their own record label: Digital Hardcore Recordings (DHR). ATR never delivered a commercially viable demo to Phonogram.

In 1997 ATR was joined by Nic Endo, a Japanese-American noise/soundscape artist during the Beck tour.Their live shows during this time were characterized by violence. An outdoor show in Berlin on May 1st 1999 resulted in the arrests of all of the band members for "inciting violence" after crowds, assembled for an anti-NATO protest, rioted with police (the charges were later dropped). In another incident, a security guard in Brazil was allegedly hospitalized after being beaten by Elias with a microphone. A fan stated in an interview that the guard had grabbed her between the legs as she tried to stage dive.

In 1999 ATR released 60 Second Wipe Out. The album featured a number of guest artists including New York City rappers The Arsonists. According to Magnet Magazine, "Empire's guitar-playing values speed-thrash malevolence, and when paired with Endo's painful skronkage, the album is decidedly denser than its predecessor."

The group effectively disbanded in 2000. Any chance of reformation was eliminated on September 6, 2001 by the death of Carl Crack, who had long struggled with drug addiction. In June 2002, Hanin Elias left DHR to create Fatal Recordings, a label formed exclusively for female artists, similar to her DHR Fatal offshoot label. Empire produced the track "You Suck" for her debut album No Games, No Fun, however in the album's artwork, specifically in a collage of collaborators, Empire's face is blacked out, signifying the end of their professional relationship.

The other half of the band continue to work together. Endo assists in the production of Empire's solo recordings as well as being a key member of his live band. DHR released Atari Teenage Riot: 1992-2000, a collection of the band's best known recordings, on July 3, 2006." - wikipedia

Origin: Berlin, Germany
Genre(s): Breakcore | Digital hardcore | Hardcore techno | Hardcore punk | Industrial
Years active: 1992 – 2000
Members: Carl Crack | Hanin Elias | Alec Empire | Nic Endo

Half Life 2 - The Movie

Dragi gameri, azi s-a dat liber la visat... si cum un vis frumos, este acela care ne-ar place sa credem ca va deveni si realitate, haideti sa visam impreuna la HALF LIFE 2 - THE MOVIE. Va asigur ca nu sunteti singuri, sunt multi care viseaza ca acest lucru sa devina realitate, asa ca nah.. daca noi comunitatea gamerilor, ne-am gandit... SIERRA - VALVE, de ce nu ar face-o? Eu am dus visul un pic mai departe si am cautat pe youtube si un trailer la ceea ce se vrea a fi Half Life - The Movie, si ghiciti ce? Am si gasit!

Half-Life Movie Teaser

Half Life: The Movie trailer

Half Life fan movie trailer

Unii chiar au si vazut actorii ce pot juca in rolurile principale:
What If They Made A Half-Life 2 Movie
written by Jennifer Park on Friday, November 12, 2004

Hey, we know the Half-Life 2 game has some killer voices from such acting talents as Benson’s Robert Guillaume as Dr. Eli Vance and Lou Gossett, Jr. as Vortigaunt. But, if Half-Life 2 is made into a movie it’ll need some blockbuster talent – sorry Benson.
Here are my picks for who should be cast in the Half-Life 2 made-up movie.

Character: Gordon Freeman
Actor: Edward Norton
Gordon Freeman is a former Black Mesa researcher who had to transform himself into a one man army in order to battle it out with the bad guys. Put some dark-rimmed glasses on Edward Norton and you got yourself Gordon Freeman. Think back to such movies as Fight Club and American History X, and you’ll realize that Mr. Norton is perfect for the role. He’s got a nerdy, yet bad-ass quality that is sure to scare the hell outta those creepy creatures.

Character: G-Man
Actor: Christopher Walken
We can only assume that the G-Man is more friend than foe to Gordon Freeman ever since Gordon started working for him. But, the G-Man still seems pretty shady and scary to me. That’s why Christopher Walken would be ideal for the role. Walken’s got that mysterious (and creepy) look about him that makes you think he’s up to something sinister, even when he’s cast in Disney’s The Country Bears.

Character: Eli Vance
Actor: Danny Glover
Eli Vance is a former Black Mesa scientist that didn’t escape from Black Mesa in one piece -- he left a huge chunk of his leg behind. Lethal Weapon’s Danny Glover would be perfect for the role of Eli, especially after seeing him in the low-budget, horror flick Saw. Let’s just say he wouldn’t mind hobbling around in Half-Life 2 after being in that flick.

Character: Alyx Vance
Actress: Rosario Dawson
Alyx is the daughter of Eli Vance and plays a pretty important role in Half-Life 2. She’s kinda like Gordon’s sidekick, and Gordon will definitely be glad to have her on his side. Rosario Dawson would make a kick-ass Alyx because she’s got the look, and heck she’s already starred in a movie with Edward Norton (25th Hour) so we know they have great onscreen chemistry.

Character: Barney Calhoun
Actor: Colin Farrell
Barney Calhoun is the former Black Mesa security guard who managed to defy death in Blue Shift and somehow pop up in City 17 with Gordon. Colin Farrell would make a decent Barney Calhoun. He can most certainly pull off the part thanks to similar roles in S.W.A.T. and The Recruit. The only prob would be getting him to stop swearing and smoking till the film wraps.

Character: Dr. Kleiner
Actor: Ed Harris
Dr. Kleiner was Gordon's former professor at MIT and the very same guy who got him the job at Black Mesa. And, I could be wrong, but he also looks just like Pollock’s Ed Harris – black rimmed glasses and all. With such films as Apollo 13, Beautiful Mind, and don’t forget Milk Money, how could it go wrong.

Character: Father Grigory
Actor: Jean Reno
A new character for Half-Life 2 is Father Grigory who is known around town as a Survivalist monk. When he’s not praying, he's setting up booby traps to kill Combine Soldiers – and any other enemy that gets in his way. The Professional’s Jean Reno would make a good Father Grigory purely for the fact that he looks like him. And, if he can play a hitman, why not a killer-crazy monk.

Character: Dr. Judith Mossman
Actress: Cate Blanchett
Dr. Judith Mossman is Eli Vance's research partner (not Alyx's mother who died in Black Mesa). She is also the only scientist in the group who was never part of Black Mesa and has never met Gordon Freeman before City 17. Aussie Cate Blanchett is a diverse actress that can play anything from Queen Elizabeth to Queen of the Elves; this will be a walk in the park for her.

Character: Dr. Breen
Actor: Sean Connery
Dr. Breen has been seen on the large screens in City 17 spewing out Pro-Combine propaganda, so I’m thinking he must be a new enemy of Gordon's. I’m not too familiar with this guy yet, but he looks like Sean Connery with the white hair and beard. And with such flops as The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, I'm sure Mr. Connery will be dying to jump on the Half-Life 2 bandwagon… that is if he’s still alive by then.

Second Person

In late 2001, singer Julia Johnson and producer/bassist Mark Maclaine met, and early the following year formed the band Second Person. Drummer Álvaro López was recruited in mid 2004 to complete the current line up and their debut album Chromatography was released later that year. It went on to sell out of its initial white-label run in United Kingdom, USA and Australia through word of mouth and publicity generated by musical placements on documentaries and extreme sports films. The band went on to record a live DVD at the The Bedford in London and score music for a number of British broadcasters (including BBC and Channel 4) and are one of the main suppliers of music for the international broadcaster: The Extreme Sports Channel.

The band released their new album The Elements on 9th August 2007, it was co-produced and mixed by producer/engineer Tony Platt (Bob Marley, Iron Maiden and also credited with engineering the second biggest selling album of all time: AC/DC's Back in Black). This album has already gained a high media profile in the UK as Second Person are the first British band to have raised the $50,000 target on Sellaband - which allows fans to invest directly in bands on the site.

The band have written a follow-up album to The Elements and will be titled "Come to Dust". This full length album will include the songs such as Gone Fishing, the video for which (directed by Katy Davis) has already gained play on MTV and is currently being used as part of Cobra Beer's sponsorship of ITV movies in the UK. Many of the videos for this album are either completed or currently in production, and video directors include: Ebba Erikzon (Radiohead's "2+2=5" video), Mina Song (Gnarls Barkley: "Crazy"), Everton Sebben, Ben King, Susan Luciani and Andy Marshall.

The band are currently scoring the music for the British feature film City Rats which stars Danny Dyer and Tamer Hassan and is due out mid 2008.

"Gone Fishing" by Second Person

"Wood" by Second Person

Ball In Nose

Ball In Nose

Down By Law

Down By Law (1986), un film de Jim Jarmusch, cu Tom Waits si Roberto Benigni, un film demential, de nu l-ati vazut vedeti-l!
In cele ce urmeaza iata niste scene antologice din acest film.

Down By Law - Cigare

Down By Law - Buzz Off

Down By Law - for why are you in this prison put?

Down By Law - I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

Master I - 2

Si cu asta am concluzionat master-ul pe anul asta, ne vedem in toamna.

... o joaca de-a "vectorii" si intervenii pe asnambluri arhitecturale.. cam asta este.

BMW GINA Light Visionary concept revealed

As promised earlier, BMW has unveiled its revolutionary GINA Light Visionary Model concept, which features a shell made entirely of cloth.

At first this may seem like a very strange and irrelevant innovation, however both the aestheic and functional applications are quite staggering.

The oddly named GINA stands for Geometry and Functions In “N” Adaptions, not quite the most eloquent abbreviation.
The two-seater roadster has an almost entirely seamless outer skin created by overlaying a flexible textile cover that stretches across a moveable substructure.
Crasworthiness is also handled by this underlying substructure, meaning the design possibilites for the outer shape are endless.
Individual features such as the headlights and kidney grille are revealed only when they are needed and are otherwised hidden under the special fabric cover. As soon as the driver turns on the lights or additional cooling is needed, the contour of the front end changes.
Similarly, the rear spoiler lifts at a certain speed for added down force whilst maintaining the shape of the rear end and concealing the mechanical components.
Due to the translucent properties of the outer skin, brake lamps and turn signals are revealed only when they are illuminated.
While this dry-cleanable concept is likely never to see production, familiarities with the M1 Homage concept are undeniable and could still hint toward BMW ressurecting its pinnacle performance car.

Thanks to: Ionutz