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WonderfulTattooed Sphynx Cats

A baby Sphynx is so ugly that it's cute. Also known as the pedigree Canadian Hairless, this Sphynx kitten is 2 weeks old. Although they appear to be hairless, Sphynx kittens have very fine, short hair that feels like peach fuzz. Their skin is the color that their furry coat would have been, if they had a pelt.

Sphynx owners often dress their cat to help keep it warm and healthy. This breed also needs to be bathed to remain clean. Like a parent might assist their child in putting on a temporary tattoo, some Sphynx owners frequently tattoo their cat.

And then there are the Russian Sphynx breeds with more extreme tattoos and fashions like those below.

Scandal or Sexy?

A sadomasochist and inked Sphynx makes for a bizarre photo. Most of these featured Sphynx cat photos involve fake tattoos, the kind that are applied with water and light pressure. Other photos are of Sphynx cats which are permanently tattooed. Can you tell the difference?

Tattooed Sphynx Minus Leather Accessories

The cat in the photo above has another fake tattoo. The photo below features a permanently inked Sphynx.

As mentioned previously, it is common practice for Sphynx cat owners to dress their little darlings in order to keep them warm and healthy. But Mistress Bad Ass Cat? The choice of S&M fashion to keep the cats toasty seem ludicrous, yet humorous.

Russian Tattooing Sphynx Started Scandal
It's all the rage, in Russia, if you own a Sphynx to have it tattooed. But this photo started a scandal as it spread online. It is unclear if PETA knows, but here is a video of the infamous cat tattoo parlor.

Tattooed Sphynx with Tattooed Owner

This is the same cat from the picture and video above. It seems perfectly happy with its matching tattooed owner. Oh wait, perhaps the hairless cat's expression is seriously ticked as it contemplates killing its owner?

Matching Sphynx Cat & Owner

So what do you think? Is it barbaric to tattoo cats since they cannot voice their desire to be inked or not? Is this animal cruelty? Or is it live and let live?

Inked Sphynx
Is it cool? Cooler yet when the tattooed cats are all decked out in S&M leather fashion? Do you find it funny, bizarre, or WTF?

The cat in the photo above has another fake tattoo. The photo below features a permanently inked Sphynx.
The choice of fish being tattooed on the cat seems as strange as the owner having the cat tattooed in the first place.

Were These Fashions Chosen to Keep Cats Warm?

Strange and Creepist Tattoos on body

T-Shirts With Crazy And Unusual Markings

PARAZITII - Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara

Azi a aparut noul album PARAZITII - Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara. NU EXISTA CUVINTE DESPRE ACEST ALBUM, trebuie CUMPARAT. AM zis! Vorbim dupa ;)

Track listing

1. Parazitii - Tango la rece (3:50)
2. Parazitii - Celebrii (3:41)
3. Parazitii - Apa in vin (3:38)
4. Parazitii - Cui ii pasa (4:29)
5. Parazitii - Parol (4:54)
6. Parazitii - Nu in Balcani (1:24)
7. Parazitii - O cheama (3:57)
8. Parazitii - Cum se face (2:17)
9. Paraziii - Arde feat. Cainele (3:48)
10. Parazitii - Respect maxim (1:31)
11. Parazitii - Lasa-ma sa beau (3:19)
12. Parazitii - Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara (3:45)

Thanks to: Marcel

27 Beautiful Water Guns

1.Whiplash, Anyone?

2.This is a great way to make anyone furious.

3.Someone is extremely serious about playtime.

4.More DIY

5.It's like a firefighter's hose.

6.It's great for offensive moves, not so handy during retreats.

7.These could shoot a bird out of the sky.

8."Ah, Yes!"

9.It looks scary.

10.RAMBO Water Gun

11.Antique Water Gun

12.+5 Stealth

13.Forget about refills! (And Also Traveling Beyond 25 Feet)

14.Antique Gun (From Outer Space)

15.That picture is misleading.

16.Great for Pranks, Getting Arrested and Giving Mom a Heart Attack

17.You're not supposed to shoot yourself, silly!

18.Hang Back With This Hose Attachment

19.Here's another scarily realistic looking water pistol. Does it silence the squirt?

20.Gun and Shield in One

21.Things were so simple when you were a kid.

22.The More You Pump, the Higher the Pressure

23.Less Whiplash, More Cute

24.A Very Steampunk Summer

25.Pew! Pew! Squirt...?

26.If you're going to make someone really sticky and uncomfortable with this soda bottle gun, just make sure they aren't near your pool.

27.It seems like refills would be required every minute or so and this would have a hard time fitting under the sink nozzle.