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Don't get drunk - someone may take a photo of you!

Don't get drunk - someone may take a photo of you!

Biggest Dogs, Smallest Dogs!

A collection of the dogs from the biggest to the smallest, from the Chihuahua to the English Mastiff and the Great Dane! Eisenhower said, "What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight — it's the size of the fight in the dog." So very true!


"Danka", a long-haired Chihuahua from Revuca, Slovakia, weighed in at just 27 oz (7.4" long). Danka is very small even for a Chihuahua! "Danka who isn't that keen on dog food only eats a small amount of dry food crushed up", Owner Kvetko said.


"Hercules", an English Mastiff with a 38" neck, is the current record holder at 282 lbs. His guardian John Flynn (who ain't so shabby himself at 270 lbs) says he once saw a bird roosting on Hercules' head. Hercules just sat there blinking, says Mr. Flynn. "He's not the smartest dog in the world, that's for sure."

Biggest - English Mastiff Hercules


Brandy", a Chihuahua from Florida, weighs 2 oz more than Danka but measures only 6" from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail. Now there's a dog who has a good reason to be afraid of the vacuum cleaner.

Shortest Chihuahua Brandy

In 1989, an English Mastiff named "Zorba" tipped the scales—or should I say demolished the scales—at a whopping 343 lbs at the age of 8.

An English Mastiff

Try telling a 7 ft tall dog not to drool on the dinner table. "Gibson", a Harlequin Great Dane from Grass Valley, California, is 42.2 inches when standing on all fours, and when he's on his hind legs he's positively stratospheric. This dog is so tall he has to bend down to howl at the moon. He's so tall he doesn't drink out of the toilet; he drinks from the bidet. He's so tall he doesn't understand "heel". You have to say, "Skull!" He's so tall... ok I'll stop now

Tallest Great Dane - Gibson

"Moose" weighed in at 286 lbs when he was named "largest dog in America" on Live with Regis & Kelly in Nov 2001. Moose's guardian Donna Vazquez considers that to be a low estimate because his butt wouldn't fit entirely on the scale.

Seashells you have Never Seen Before

Toma Caragiu

Din ciclul "Daca doriti sa revedeti!"

Toma Caragiu - Un telefon discret

Toma Caragiu - Toamna Romantica

Toma Caragiu - Snobul (1969)

Toma Caragiu - Fabula

Toma Caragiu - Brad frumos

Toma Caragiu (n. 21 august 1925 - d. 4 martie 1977, Bucureşti)
A fost unul din cei mai mari actori români, cu activitate bogată în teatru, TV, film.
A interpretat cu precădere roluri de comedie, dar a excelat şi în drame, unul dintre filmele sale de referinţă fiind Actorul şi sălbaticii.
S-a născut la 21 august 1925 dintr-o familie de aromâni originară din satul grecesc Aetomilitsa, provincia Konitsa, prefectura Ioannina, regiunea Epirus.
A jucat alături de alţi mari actori cum ar fi Ştefan Bănică, Octavian Cotescu, Anda Călugăreanu, etc.
Răpit brutal din lumea celor vii de cutremurul din 4 martie 1977, în plină putere creatoare şi fiind departe de a-şi fi spus ultimul cuvânt în teatrul şi filmul românesc, a rămas în memoria tuturor ca un mare artist.

On the Edge of the Cliff!

IAMX | Unhindered

IAMX (I-am-X) is the esoteric, electro-pop creation of one man: Chris Corner (Sneaker Pimps). For those who have yet to indulge themselves, Corner describes IAMX as, "a personal, playful, sexy electronic project." Indeed it is, but it's also much more. Deeply personal and soulfully expressive, "it's a broad audio/visual experience" Corner goes on to say. Corner, a native of the United Kingdom who now resides in Berlin, visited the United States for a brief tour in support of IAMX's sophomore release, The Alternative.

The Alternative kicks off with the punchy, piano-driven track "President," which gives way to a synth-laden chorus that offers the lyrical sentiment, "For all you lonely boys, I will be president." For those familiar with IAMX, you will quickly notice that this new record is more up-tempo than IAMX's 2004 release, Kiss + Swallow. Corner attributes this change in direction in large part to the inspiration he has felt since moving to Berlin and soaking up the city's creative and artistic vibe. "Also, going out and playing live and seeing what works and what stands up, how to energize an audience, I wanted to put more of the aggressive, energized side into The Alternative," says Corner. And he certainly delivers.

Loop-based songs such as the title track and "Nightlife" are full of catchy hooks that will seduce even the shyest of club patrons into hitting the dance floor. Never afraid to experiment with songwriting, Corner offers us the album's fifth track, "Song of Imaginary Beings," with its playful vibe and a groove just as catchy as the narrative-themed lyrics. Corner offers up such imaginative gems as, "Imagine hurt, imagine tears, she opened up until she disappeared/ Vanished, hand in hand, with all the long-lost children locked in Neverland."

The songwriting on The Alternative is a blend of styles that features on one hand the more traditional approach of writing distinguishable melodies which could be arranged for piano or guitar, coupled with the experimental, loop-based approach of electronic music production. As a result, you have a record that sounds fresh to even the most jaded ears.

So what inspires someone like Corner to write such unrestricted music in a homogenized music industry? "I find other art forms actually more inspiring than music," says Corner. "Because I spend so much time making music, I'd much rather watch some sort of art films or go see some architecture or other kind of cultural stuff that doesn't really relate to what I do."

Despite the commercial success Corner experienced with Sneaker Pimps, he chose to use an independent label for IAMX. "I'm happy with where I'm at in terms of creative control," he says. IAMX is playing only a few dates on this initial U.S tour, although a more extensive tour may follow toward the end of the year if things go well.

So what kind of place does IAMX have in a sheltered and conservative music scene like that of today? "It's such a different world than the one that I exist in that I tend to shut myself off, because if I really let it get to me, I don't know that I'd continue to make music. The commercial music world is such a depressing monster of consumerism and a lack of depth and artistry, that if I let myself get affected by that, I think I'd go mad," says Corner. Amen. |

Thanks to: Gratiela

Olympics 2008 - Another angle