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"ShakespeaRe-Told" The Taming of the Shrew (2005)

Un film absolut incantator, adaptare dupa "Imblanzirea scorpiei" de W. Shakespeare, realizata de BBC, un film de vazut, avut, s.a.m.d.
Am luat in seama recomandarea pentru acest film facuta de Bogdan Serban, de la Guerrilla Logout , si pe viitor am sa mai iau in seama recomandarile lui. Poate daca aveti noroc il veti vedea, daca il vor da din nou pe TVR 2, daca nu... il gasiti pe demonoid ;)
In cele ce urmeaza puteti sa va faceti o idee despre film, din secventa alaturata, secventa in care "el" o intalneste pe "ea" in lift.

Shakespeare-told: The Taming of the Shrew (the lift bit)

"Katherine is extremely abrasive in her dealings with everyone, both in Parliament and her personal life. Her sister Bianca couldn't be more different -- a popular model whom everyone loves. Bianca's long time manager wants to marry her; in order to put him off she says she won't marry until her sister is wed (a prospect she knows will keep her safe.) So her manager arranges his friend -- who is a titled Earl -- to meet and marry Kate and the battle is on." - read more: imdb

thanks to: Bogdan Serban