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In seara asta am fost la cinema...vineri seara, in cautarea unui film bun. Se pare ca l-am gasit pe cel mai bun! Aceasta este parerea MEA, nu ma astept sa mi se impartaseasca, insa pentru ca consider ca acesta este filmul anului pana acum, m-am decis sa fac cel mai complet post despre un film de pana acum. Nu o sa va obosesc cu a va povesti despre ce e vorba, pur si simplu vi-l recomand ca pe un film ce trebuie vazut, din mai multe motive. Eu nu am mai iesit demult de la un film si sa imi vina sa repet faze din film pe strada (ca atunci cand eram mic si dupa ce ieseam cu mama de la cinema, dupa un film cu Arnold sa ma consider TERMINATORUL orasului.. sunt convins ca multi va amintiti de aceste momente!).

Un film genial din punctul meu de vedere, regizat de Timor Bekmambetov, regizorul vizionar al filmelor NightWatch si DayWatch (pe care daca nu le-ati vazut pana acum va recomand sa o faceti, nu veti regreta o clipa, si poate ca veti realiza ce inseamna cinematografia rusa moderna).

Timor Bekmambetov

Nine Inch Nails - Every day is exactly the same

Wanted OST - Danny Elfman - The Little Things

Wanted OST - Danny Elfman - Success Montage

Wanted OST - Danny Elfman - Revenge

Wanted OST - Danny Elfman - Fox's Decision

De cum am iesit din sala, am afirmat: "genial soundtrack", lucru pe care il pot confirma toti cei 6 cu care am fost (Ancutza, Ana, Cristina, Nico, Radu, Sergiu), fara sa stiu ca soundtrack-ul este compus de Danny Elfaman, lucru care iarasi mi s-a parut fantastic. Nu pot decat sa va invit sa vedeti acest film, care cu siguranta se va inscrie intre cele mai bune filme ale anului, cu toate ca multi vor spune altceva, dupa cum s-au obisnuit cam toti, sa aiba un sentiment de repulsie fata de tot ceea ce vine de la rusi. Vedeti WANTED!

WANTED - Trailer 1

WANTED - Trailer 3

Choose your destiny.

Based upon Mark Millar's explosive graphic novel series and helmed by the stunning visualist director Timur Bekmambetov - creator of the most successful Russian film franchise in history, the Night Watch (Nochnoj dozor) series - Wanted tells the story of one invisible drone's transformation into a dark avenger. In 2008, the world will be introduced to a superhero for a new millennium: Wesley Gibson.

25-year-old account manager Wes (James McAvoy) was the most pathetic, cube-dwelling hypochondriac the planet had ever known. His boss chewed him out hourly, his girlfriend cheated on him daily and his life plodded on interminably. Everyone was certain this weakling would never amount to anything. There was little else for Wes to do but wile away the days and die a slow, clock-punching death.

Until he became Wanted.

After the murder of a father he never knew, Wes discovers powers beyond his dreams. He becomes the latest recruit in the Fraternity - a secret society of assassins - and develops lightning-quick reflexes with superhuman agility. Wes soon learns his league of henchmen has but one mission: carry out the death orders of the mythological Fates, weavers of every man's lifeline.

With wickedly brilliant tutors, he morphs into a killing machine and starts erasing one bad guy after another. But as Wes grows into the mantle passed down by his father... he discovers his clan members are not exactly the enforcers of justice they claim to be. Just as he gets everything he ever Wanted, Wesley Gibson will learn that with the ability to deliver death comes an even more difficult power... controlling your own life.

* James McAvoy .... Wesley
* Morgan Freeman .... Sloan
* Terence Stamp .... Pekwar
* Thomas Kretschmann .... Cross
* Common .... The Gunsmith
* Angelina Jolie .... Fox
* Kristen Hager .... Cathy
* Marc Warren .... The Repairman
* David O'Hara .... Mr X
* Konstantin Khabensky .... The Exterminator
* Dato Bakhtadze .... The Butcher
* Chris Pratt .... Barry
* Lorna Scott .... Janice
* JG Jones .... Author
* Mark Millar .... Author
* Michael Brandt .... Storywriter
* Derek Haas .... Storywriter
* Michael Brandt .... Screenwriter
* Dean Georgaris .... Screenwriter
* Derek Haas .... Screenwriter
* Timur Bekmambetov .... Director

"Important este ce impresie iti lasa tie filmul, cat de mult se pupa pe starea ta si cel mai important este reflectarea in tine, adica cat de mult iti amelioreaza starea sufleteasca, asa ca o opera de arta care trebuie sa te schimbe in bine, sa iti schimbe starea." - Stash