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Cooliris - the next step in web-surfing

Dragilor, s-a terminat cu cautarile absurde pe internet, care puteau uneori sa ajunga chiar de cateva ore. Vrei sa dai un search de imagini pe google, flickr, deviantart, photobucket ... si toate astea intr-o interfata extrem de atragatoare, rapida si flexibila? - COOLIRIS. Vrei ca atunci cand cauti un filmulet pe youtube sa nu mai stai o mie de ani, sa cauti prin rezultate si apoi sa o iei de la capat? - COOLIRIS. Este pur si simplu urmatorul pas in web. Incercati-l, si va veti convinge, si in plus este si foarte usor de instalat. Practic este un addon pt. mozilla firefox sau internet explorer, si cu un simplu click pe google, apoi in casuta de search COOLIRIS si problema e rezolvata. Eu am incercat sa usurez si mai mult problema, asa ca am pus un hyperlink pe imaginea ce deschide acest post, cu trimitere catre pagina cooliris. si in plus voi pune un link permanent pe blog, astfel incat oricine sa aiba acces usor la el. Deci have fun, si aveti grija ... provoaca dependenta!

google images, search for "pyro team fortress 2"
google images, search for "pyro team fortress 2"
google images, search for "pyro team fortress 2"
google images, search for "pyro team fortress 2"
youtube search for "einsturzende neubauten" video

PicLens 1.6 - Full-Screen 3D Views for the Web

CoolPreviews, formerly known as Cooliris Previews, is a web browser plugin for Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Flock that opens a preview of the underlying content of a web link when the mouse hovers over the link. The stated goal of the software is to optimize browsing by allowing review of multiple links while preserving the context of the originating page. For example, one could preview a list of news headlines before deciding which article to read in depth.

Cooliris, formerly known as PicLens, is a web browser plugin that provides interactive full-screen slideshows of online images. The plugin is available for Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. At present, the software is compatible with Google Images, Yahoo Images, Ask.com Images, deviantART, Flickr, Facebook, Live Image Search, Photobucket, SmugMug, Fotki, YouTube (for videos), and any web site that implements mediaRSS tags in their HTML pages. The software places a small icon in the corner of an image thumbnail when the mouse moves over it, which launches into a full-screen photo viewer when clicked, but without giving an option to save any of the pictures shown. - wikipedia

Thanks to: Florin C