Intel Nehalem processor
Noul procesor al celor de la Intel, Core i7 965 Extreme, este realizat pe baza ultimei tehnologii ce poarta numele Nehalem. Frecventa ridicata de functionare, memoria cache L3 de mari dimensiuni, precum si optimizarea acesteia de a fi alocata in functie de incarcarea fiecarui core, va duce la o executare mult mai eficienta a diferitelor aplicatii. De asemenea, utilizarea unei idei mai vechi, cum este HyperThreading-ul, dar adaptata noilor cerinte, ajuta la rularea mai rapida a oricarei aplicatii, cu ajutorul acestei tehnologii procesorul putand rula opt thread-uri simultan, desi are doar patru nuclee. Un procesor dedicat entuziastilor, celor care doresc performanta maxima indiferent de pret.
Intel® Microarchitecture (Nehalem)
Intel's latest-generation microarchitecture first exemplified as the Intel® Core™ i7 processor, represents the next step in unprecedented processor performance and dynamic scalability. Designed from the ground up to take advantage of hafnium-based Intel® 45nm hi-k metal gate silicon technology, Intel® Microarchitecture (Nehalem) unleashes parallel processing performance enabled by Intel® QuickPath technology providing an integrated memory controller and high-speed interconnect per independent processing core.
Maximum multitasking performance Intel® Microarchitecture (Nehalem) offers the latest in processor innovation, including:
Dynamic scalability, managed cores, threads, cache, interfaces, and power for energy-efficient performance on demand.
Design and performance scalability for servers, workstations, notebooks and desktops with support for 2-8+ cores and up to 16+ threads with Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel® HT Technology), and scalable cache sizes, system interconnects, and integrated memory controllers.
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology delivers additional performance automatically when needed by taking advantage of the processor's power and thermal headroom. This enables increased performance of both multi-threaded and single-threaded workloads.
Intel Hyper-Threading Technology brings high-performance applications into mainstream computing with 1-16+ threads optimized for a new generation multi-core processor architecture.
Scalable shared memory of Intel® QuickPath technology features memory distributed to each processor with integrated memory controllers and high-speed point-to-point interconnects to unleash the performance of future versions of next-generation Intel® multi-core processors.
Multi-level shared cache improves performance and efficiency by reducing latency to frequently used data. - intel