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Windows answers - new blog category

The people that know me, know that I am good with computers (they say), but even I have problems with windows configuration, or with programs. So today I have decided! every time I will have an issue with windows and solve it I will share with you! So let's begin :D.

Cei care ma stiu, apeleaza de multe ori la mine pentru ca (zic ei), le am cu calculatoarele. De e asa sau nu numai ei stiu, eu unul stiu ca din cand in cand mai am si eu probleme de configurare de windows sau de programe. Asa ca azi m-am decis, de fiecare data cand o sa am o problema si o voi rezolva-o am sa o impartasesc cu voi! Hai sa incepem :D.

How to open yahoo messenger links in Firefox instead of Internet Explorer in Windows Vista?

Click the Start menu

# Click Default Programs
# Click “Set program access and computer deaults”
# Select Custom then click on the drop arrow
# Look for “Choose a default web browser” and select Mozilla Firefox