De astazi Agent Green este online. Munca asidua, oameni dedicati, si eu hop - top am sarit si eu cu layout de site si grafica in flash. Agent Green va poate fi prieten, este simplu, protejati mediul si restul vine de la sine. Un prim pas ar fi petitia online din homepage, primul CYBER.ACTION al Agent Green.
Since today, Agent Green is online. A lot of effort, good people, dedicated, so I thinked it was the time to jump in with my graphic skills. Check out my first creation in web design: Without my uncle I couldn't finish this, so thanks uncle! So let's get busy in assisting agentgreen in enviromental problems. Sorry for my bad english, but I didn't had the chance to sleep tonight.
Thanks to: Florin, Gabi, Anca, Anca, Goldie