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Universe at War: Earth Assault - patch, "Abnormal Game Exit Detected" Solution

Abnormal Game Exit Detected Solution

Right, like what seems a lot of you, I've encounter problem after problem trying to get this game to work. Sure I only bought the game for a fiver, but as a matter of principle I was determined to get it to work. Here's what I did to get the game working as it might help some of you get the game going:

1) Install the game (duh) - running the game straight off would give me the "Abnormal Game Exit Detected" error. This was down to GFW not being installed due to a clean install of Windows 7.

2) Install GFW - I did this in two steps, though you might be able to cut out the first. Go into your steam folder then steamapps/common/universe at war earth assault/xliveredist and run XLiveRedist01.02.0241.00.msi. Then to be sure I installed the 2.0 redistributable from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...9-181edc57c0e0

3) Run the game - From what I've read some people got the game running after this. If you did, good for you. If you're like me and the game would load and the right before the FMV would start you'd get another "Abnormal Game Exit Detected" crash, then there's one more step to take.

4) Disable in game DX10 - From all the various forums I've read DX10 doesn't improve anything, if anything it just creates more problems. If you get get the game loaded it's easy enough to disable. If not then you'll have to disable it via Regedit. Load it up and traverse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Petroglyph/UAWEA/Profile0/Player and find the entry named "DX10Enabled" and change the value from 1 to 0.

5) Try to run the game again - After following all this the game finally loaded for me. From here you'll have to do the normal GFW steps; signing in (or signing up); downloading a GFW update followed by a game update, the usual but that should get everything working.

Hope this works for you guys who are still stuck with what at the minute is a useless purchase.

Taken from STEAM forum, click on the image to see the original post.

I want to patch the game, but windows live won't let me - help!

Patch the game yourself:
Current patch #3:

For me worked just fine, so thanks FAKIYO from STEAM forum.

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