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Many beer brands speak to men in a shared tone showing to them that they really understand their needs. Yet, up to know, all intentions where express by a message without and action plan. Andes, the leader beer in the Andina Region of Argentina, presents: Andes Beer: Teletransporter – a revolutionary invention capable of doing something almost impossible: men can now go to a bar and share an Andes beer with friends without having any problems with their girlfriends. Andes Teletransporter Booths have been installed at the main bars of Mendoza, Argentina. Einstein mentioned that teletransportation was impossible since objects could not conduct faster than light. Einstein was wrong!

Legal Notice: Teleportation does not cause any physical non psychological damages. It helps and encourages long lasting couples and friendships. To lie is a sin, teleport is not!

Advertising Agency: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, Argentina
Chief Creative Directors: Maxi Itzkoff, Mariano Serkin
Creative Director: Javier Campopiano
Copywriter: Patricio del Sante
Art Director: Carlos Muller
Designers: Bruno Tortolano, Juan Pedro Porcaro
Agency Producers: Adrian Aspani, Camilo Rojas, Patricio Martinez
Account Director: María Lorena Pascual
Account Executive: Jaime Vidal
Booth designers: AD Productions
Production Company: Primo
Directors: Nico y Martin
Executive Producer: Carolina Cordini
Photography Director: Leandro Fillol
Post-Production Service Company: Cinecolor
Audio Post-Production: Supercharango
Responsible for Client: Ricardo Fernandez, Pablo Firpo, Eduardo Palacios, Martín Cao

Source: ads of the world
Thanks to: costash