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Lowbrow Tarot

Check out La Luz de Jesus gallery's Lowbrow Tarot. The original art is now for sale. Decks and books are forthcoming. Links below are to the artists' sites.

The Fool by Carrie Ann Baade.

The Magician by Christopher Ulrich.

The High Priestess by Edith Lebeau.

The Empress by Cate Rangel.

The Emperor by Kris Kuksi.

The Hierophant by Chris Mars.

The Lovers by Christopher Umana.

The Chariot by C.C. Askew.

Strength by Brian M. Viveros.

The Hermit by Claudia Drake.

The Wheel of Fortune by Heather Watts.

Justice by Molly Crabapple.

The Hanged Man by David Stoupakis.

Death by Laurie Lipton.

Temperance by Patrick "Star 27" Deignan.

The Devil by Chet Zar.

The Tower by Jessica Joslin.

The Star by Danni Shinya Luo.

The Moon by Jennybird Alcantara.

The Sun by Angie Mason.

Judgment by Scott G. Brooks.

The World by Aunia Khan.

Card backs by Daniel Martin Diaz.

*Compare to the Super Punch Tarot.

*Buy tarot cards at Amazon.