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Custom Super Mario World game used to propose

Adam created a specialized playable version of Super Mario World that culminated in a marriage proposal to Desiree, who explains:
Saturday September 11th…he tells me he’s been playing around with programming video games. I think this is an awesome idea; he has been so busy at work that I have been trying to motivate him to do something that makes him happy. So he tells me, play my game, I put a spin on Super Mario World.

So, I start to play the game; It is now called ‘Super Dez Word’ I get through 5 levels no problem, and even found the secret level. All the levels had names that I recognized from things we have talked about, favorite movies, etc. Well, the last level is where I started having problems. Like every video gamer, I got frustrated and didn’t want to play, but he was so persistent to get me to finish this level. So together we finished it ( he doing most of the work…) then it goes to the little cut scene and says “what is next for the hero”…so I go to the next level and a black text box pops up with white lettering that said “Will you marry me”…
*Buy cake toppers at Amazon.