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Posters about the war on Mars (and other gems from the Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co.)

Some of the wonderful goods on sale at 826 Seattle's Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co. (links to the various product categories are on the right of the page):

Mars God of War posters by Jacob Covey:

“On Mars you will die like a dog for no good reason.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Mankind must put an end to Mars, or Mars will put an end to mankind.” – John F. Kennedy

“I am sick and tired of Mars. Its glory is all moonshine. Mars is hell.” – General W.T. Sherman

“Mars is only a cowardly escape from the problems of Earth.” – Thomas Mann

Great Balls of Fire print by Spencer Charles.

"Season's Greetings from Europa" Cards by Justin Allan.

Pluto IS a Planet poster by Allan and Charles.

Certified Space Traveler Tee-Shirt by Tim Sanders.

Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co. T-Shirt

Panic Industries™ Soft Fiber Garment by Julia-Anne Endicott Bork.

Bottles of Certainty and Uncertainty by Thad Boss/Studio Rayolux.

Black Hole Starter Kit by Boss.

Tycho Brahe's Coffee Set

*Buy Essentially Odd: A Catalog of Products Created For and Sold at the 826 Stores at Amazon.