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Emergency supplies recommendations?

For obvious reasons, I'm planning on upgrading my family's earthquake kit, specifically to add a tent, sleeping bags (for four), a stove, and a solar charger. Can anyone point me to a good review source, or recommend items they have? Obviously, I don't need something that's top of the line - - just something fairly small, light, and durable that'll do the job in an emergency.

For example, this solar charger sounds good, but is pretty expensive for something I'll probably never use before it's outdated. Maybe this is a better choice?

Also, I thought this was pretty funny in response to a camper asking, "is there a titanium water bottle that could be used to boil water over a campfire?":
The other thing to consider is that if you really are in a survival situation, why worry about the water? You'll be rescued—or not—before anything in the water gets you. And once you're out, you can be treated for whatever it is you drank.