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Hare's Bride and more than two dozen other beautiful bottles

I've been amassing these over the last few months. Enjoy more than two dozen beautiful bottles:

Hare's Bride by Tenfold Collective for Grimm's Brothers.

Sarajishvili Wine Brandy by Olegito Studio.

Seeing Double Vodka by Charles S. Anderson Design.

A Blind Taste by Hope Family Wines.

The Handshake by Braincells.

Samson Craft Beer by Sean Flanagan.

Lorem Wine by Alex Macsoda.

Sucker Punch malt liquor concept by Rich Stewart.

Better Half Beer by VSA Partners for the Chelsea Brewing Company.

Blue Nectar by Mark Grey.

Garobel by Isusko.

Fleur de Lis by StudioIN.

Glow-in-the-dark labels by Fanakalo for Boer and Brit's Trans-Karoo.

Ole Smoky Moonshine.

Caravan Wine by Inhouse.

Midnight Moonshine by Shane Cranford.

Cornish Mead Wine by Gendall.

Meteor by WORKLabs for White Fences Vineyard.

Student work by Jenny Pan.

Iluliaq by Fairly Painless Advertising.

Meteor by Work Labs.

Bone Dry Red Cabernet.

“Osječko pivo (Osječko beer) by Manasteriotti and Maric.

Ginself designed by Conca & Marzal. Via all these fine sites.

*See more beautiful bottles here.